multiple thoughts from a GEEK….

Posts tagged ‘HDD’

Opening up a harddisk….

First of all…Wish you all a very Happy New Year,let your year be filled with lots of gadgets and gizmos and make the world an easy place to live…. 🙂

After lot of injuries(due to lack of information),i finally opened up the harddisk.

The experiment was done on a Samsung Barracuda 7200.7  “ST380817AS” .

On top its six visible screws and 1 hidden screw under the label ,which opens the metallic cover and on bottom four screw which separates the circuit from the main body.

Opening up the top cover,u would see the head mechanism then magnetic platter(there is only one in this 80GB ),and two heads attached to the platter.The platter looks similar to the mirror maybe even shinier than normal mirrors. 🙂


Thanks to @saisoccer for his dead 80 GB. 🙂