multiple thoughts from a GEEK….

Posts tagged ‘Gaming’

Fun-filled yet craziest gaming session of this year…..

Everyone might have heard of Nintendo wii and its endless capabilities with the controller, but we few PC “only” gamers wondered when will such a controller be available in mainstream and supported by the games.Had a lot of gaming sessions together,enjoyed gaming in high def,co-op mode,multiplayer,one-on-one,LAN….but recently we had a different session,one which had a different controller,suited to play the game…It was @agentsj ‘s Samsung Wave and the game was the Formula 1 2010.

All this was made possible with the help of a BADA app called bControl (one of the very few apps in bada platform that felt useful) .

The app connects to the PC via either WiFi or Bluetooth,here WiFi was made to use,chose the steering wheel controller and it was good.The feedback was good,couple of tweaking and it would be perfect to play racing games,we were quite able to control the F1 car,even though its a little bit difficult to tame via keyboard.The app actually uses the accelerometer detecting the movements made by the user (during the steering wheel mode.)

At the same time,the device along with the app can be used in place of wireless keyboard+mouse,the touch screen makes it easy and fun to use.

Heres a small video we captured during the session (apologize for the low quality 🙂 ).